Friday, May 29, 2009

Rho's State of Wonder & Alio Modo

I proudly present links to two new blogs in my "Lossless Music Blogs" column:

Rho started A State of Wonder, a blog "mostly about the music of J.S.Bach, in particular his keyboard music, and especially the Well-Tempered Clavier, but, then again, not exclusively about either. Basically, it will grow as it needs. I hope you enjoy some of the music posted here."

The other blog is Alio Modo, run by an anonym "Librarian" / "admin", who demonstrates a distinctive taste, both avantgarde (Antheil, Adams, Xenakis) and old style (Pergolesi, Vivaldi).


Rho said...

Thank you very much for the promo, WMS Nemo!...there I was just browsing through your wonderful collection...and...!!

aliomodo said...

Same here: thanks for the publicity!

BTW: call me 'aliomodo', if you like... :-)