Friday, February 27, 2009

Newly-discovered Russian secrets

Recently, I discovered the russian webside, because it contains a link to mine kammermusikkammer. Now, if you link to me, I will link to you.

The webside refers to some music archives, I never heard before. Most of them I have added to the lossless resp. mp3 blog lists, f.e:
v r e n o v a t i o n
zzzyva's music room
Блог Минора (Minor)
Музыкальная вертикаль (Peterforte)
Русский классический романс - А. А. Алябьев
CapsLock.WS (which is also a software repository)
Красная книга Российской эстрады

These findings give good reason to start learning Cyrillic letters and Russian language. Ole!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Amendments to the lossless blogs list

A short while ago, two new lossless classical music blogs started, and have been added to my blogroll:

"Harmoniemusik" started on the 23th of january, with the "Unbelievable Mozart", which are (more or less) contemporary re-workings of Mozart's own compositions, works whose attribution to Mozart is likely but uncertain or reconstructions from fragments. Anchusa, the blog owner, is also a frequent contributor to "Meeting in Music".

On the 7th of february, Chamaeleo followed with "2Cs and 2Fs",  a blog, entirely devoted to the violin. In only ten days of existence, the blog grew to 17 posts. 

I wish both "newcomers" much pleasure with their works.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ludwig van Beethoven: Ars longa, vita brevis (Audio)

Beethoven komponierte den Kanon "Ars longa, vita brevis" WoO 192, so schnell seine Feder schreiben wollte, in einer Zeit von etwa zwei Minuten. Die eigenhändige Widmung lautet: "Geschrieben am 16ten September 1825 in Baden, als mich mein lieber talentvoller Musikkünstler u. Freund Smart (aus England) allhier besuchte. Ludwig van Beethoven".

(Quelle: Beethovenhaus Bonn)

Der Kanon ist 24 Sekunden lang:

Aber es gibt noch zwei weitere, ganz andere "Ars longa" Kompositionen von Beethoven. Hier ist "Ars longa, vita brevis" WoO 170 aus dem Jahre 1816:

Sowie die Version WoO 193 (aus 1825?):

Monday, February 9, 2009

Bachs "Musicalisches Opfer" reposted in lossless FLAC format

My very first post for the Kammermusikkammer was Johann Sebastian Bach, "Musicalisches Opfer" (BWV 1079), performed by Enrico Gatti's Ensemble Aurora. It was the first and only post in a lossy format (mp3), and to repair this fault, now I rescanned the CD and reposted in lossless (single) flacs (with cuesheet).

CD Info (Tracklist, Covers, Booklet, Links to Downloads)

As a sample you may hear now Track No. 16, "Canon perpetuus":

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Back to the roots again - a timeline of "Old Composers"

With my next post featuring Oswald von Wolkenstein, I will return to the beginning of European artistic music, and afterwards follow the timeline in roughly chronological order (Ars Nova, Renaissance, Barocco, ecc.). Be prepared to hear a lot of polyphonic music in the next weeks (masses, motets, chansons, lais).

Nevertheless, every forth post will be out of the order and a piece of "normal" chamber music (f.e. Bachs Goldberg Variations, if you accept the version for string trio as "normal" chamber music).