Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Another notification of new P.L.C.M. blogs

I proudly present another nine new blogs in my list of "Public Lossless Classical Music Blogs".

As I already mentioned in all of my former posts: It’s for your convenience only. All figures and ciphers are very about. No harms intended.






My "Mostly-Modern" Classical Music Blog




"My intention in sharing this music, is to make people more concious that there is a lot of classical music written after 1900 worth listening to"

afina tus oidos

El Humilde Campesino



The opera, the opera - we all like the opera



880 (all from 2015)


A huge collection, all rips in FLAC and MP3

Lossless Music Files

expanium (or?)



This is the lossless add-on to the mp3-blog "Blogger Musical"

Classical Music | IsraBox

multiple anonym posters



Delivers music from all genres (Blues, Classical, Country, Electronic, ...)

Don Eviltor

Paulo Lima



operas and other vocal music

the wolf5th archives




"rare vinyl records from the golden era of avant-garde and experimental music. recordings never released on CD or out of print."





"Welcome to my blog"

El blog chopiniano




"Por Compositor: Chopin (88) Brahms (18) Beethoven (13) Rachmaninoff (13) ..."

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New Public Lossless Classical Music Posts (since March 8, 2013)

I proudly present another 11 new blogs in my list of "Public Lossless Classical Music Blogs". (There are 87 blogs currently listed).

As I already mentioned in all of my former posts: It’s for your convenience only. All figures and ciphers are very about. No harms intended.










A pretty, beige-colored blog with a broad, sometimes astonishing portfolio.

David The DSCH Fan

David Wade



"Better Life With Music, Better Life With Dmitri Shostakovich"

Diabolus In Musica

Thang Nguyen



A huge collections, archived at which don't let me enter :-((

Baroque Music




"The main goal for this blog is to encourage new listeners to the magnificence of this music"

Canarias es Música




red on black background



don't know


You better know to figure the cyrillic script out

El violonchello




From the maker of solo beethoven

Todas las vías dan a Moscú




"Música clásica en formato Lossless (ALAC) y en AAC"

The Music Parlour -2




Not the same as the blog below

The Music Parlour ~ Historical




Not the same as the blog above

Classical Total




found the blog only yesterday

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Are you aware of the Avant Garde Project?

The Avant Garde Project is a series of recordings of 20th-century classical, experimental, and electroacoustic music digitized from LPs whose music has in most cases never been released on CD, and so is effectively inaccessible to the vast majority of music listeners today.

The analog rig used to extract the sound from the grooves is near state-of-the-art, producing almost none of the tracking distortion or surface noise normally associated with LPs.

The AGP archive is a repository for AGP installments, the files of which can be downloaded from this website. Looking for a specific composer? Try our alphabetical index.

NOTE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the recordings on this site are currently out of print. If you know otherwise, please let me know ASAP, as I would not want any artists to be deprived of the royalties they so richly deserve. Please see the AGP copyright policy for further information.

Friday, March 8, 2013

I proudly present ...

I proudly present another 6 new blogs in my list of "public lossless (classical) music blogs". (there are 83 blogs currently listed).
As I already mentioned in all of my former posts: It’s for your convenience only. All figures and ciphers are very about. No harms intended.
Blog Owner Posts Followers Remarks
Odeon OdeonMusico 2883 184 "A kind of theater in ancient Greece in which poets and musicians submitted their works to the approval of the public."
Net Classical Public Library 300 at least unknown May be browsed by flipcard, magazine, mosaic, and so on, as you like it
John Bull's Circle of Sound John Bull's Circle of Sound 99 9 Besides CDs, also LP and broadcasting rips
Yayo Salva Clásicos II Yayo Salva 255 18 "Música clásica en discos de vinilo"
ARia CLaSsiCa aria.d 44 unknown The first of two blogs
ARia CLaSsiCa CoMPiLaTioNs aria.d 18 unknown The other of two blogs

Thursday, January 10, 2013

17 Jahre »UbuWeb«

Ohne sich um das Copyright zu kümmern, hat Kenneth Goldsmith das weltweit größte Online-Archiv für Avantgardekunst geschaffen.

Als der New Yorker Schriftsteller Kenneth Goldsmith vor Kurzem einen Vortrag in Berlin hielt, fasste er seine Kunstauffassung an einer Stelle recht bündig so zusammen: »Ein Künstler ist nicht jemand, der irgendein Gerät meisterhaft bedient. Ein Künstler ist jemand, der ein Gerät völlig falsch bedient und ein riesiges Chaos hinterlässt, das die Menschen dann wieder aufräumen müssen.« Wenn man sich sein bisheriges Werk anschaut, kann man sagen, dass Goldsmith diesem Ansatz treu geblieben ist, vor allem, seit Mitte der Neunziger:

1996 gründete Goldsmith »UbuWeb«, eine Online-Plattform benannt nach Alfred Jarrys proto-surrealistischem Stück »Ubu Roi«, die allerlei Arbeiten der internationalen Avantgarde ins Internet stellt. Mittlerweile ist die Sammlung nahezu unüberschaubar: Auf gibt es frühe Kurzfilme von Orson Welles, Lesungsmitschnitte von William S. Burroughs, Kriegskalligramme von Guillaume Apollinaire, Telefoninterviews mit Bob Dylan, Videoaufzeichnungen von Tanzabenden von Sasha Waltz, das Lesungsmanuskript einer Kurzgeschichte von Alain Robbe-Grillet und vieles, wirklich sehr vieles mehr. Wenn man sich erst einmal eingeklickt hat, ist die Nacht schnell vorbei. Man hangelt sich von Entdeckung zu Entdeckung. Kenneth Goldsmith und seine Mitstreiter, die zumeist an geisteswissenschaftlichen Instituten amerikanischer Universitäten arbeiten, laden bei UbuWeb alles hoch, was ihnen irgendwie in die Finger kommt und interessant erscheint.

Das Erstaunliche dabei ist, dass es UbuWeb überhaupt noch gibt. Während weltweit illegale Tauschseiten der Reihe nach abgeschaltet werden und die Betreiber vor Gericht landen, hat es bei UbuWeb, das nun immerhin seit bald 17 Jahren online ist, noch so gut wie keine Löschanfrage gegeben. Die wenigen Dateien, deren Rechteinhaber sich melden, werden geräuschlos entfernt. Während die Betreiber von und Megaupload prominent zu Haftstrafen und Schadensersatz verurteilt werden, wächst UbuWeb kontinuierlich und ist heute das mit großem Abstand umfangreichste Archiv für progressives Denken und künstlerisches Schaffen im Internet.

Wie ist das möglich? Eine befriedigende Erklärung hat Kenneth Goldsmith selbst nicht. Es melde sich einfach niemand, der durch UbuWeb seine Urheberrechte verletzt sehe. Und auch von einer staatlichen Strafverfolgung sei ihm noch nichts zu Ohren gekommen. Dabei versteckt sich UbuWeb nicht: Man braucht für den Zugang zur Seite kein Passwort, UbuWeb wirbt mit einem eigenen Twitter-Kanal für die neuesten Uploads, jeder hat zu jedem Zeitpunkt Zugriff auf das Archiv. Ein Problem scheint damit niemand zu haben. Die Erfahrungen zeigten sogar im Gegenteil, sagt Goldsmith, dass die meisten Künstler eher dankbar seien, wenn ihre Arbeiten bei UbuWeb hochgeladen werden, obwohl das nicht einmal als Anerkennung zu verstehen ist. Denn dort landet alles, was formal irgendwie interessant ist. Zeitgenössische Arbeiten müssen nicht unbedingt gelungen sein, um bei UbuWeb hochgeladen zu werden, nur ambitioniert. Außerdem verstehen sich die UbuWeb-Macher nicht als Jury, die ein Qualitätsurteil fällt, sondern als Kunstfreunde, die so viel Material digital verfügbar machen wollen, wie nur irgend möglich. Goldsmith glaubt, dass es deswegen keinen Kläger gibt, weil UbuWeb ausschließlich Arbeiten mit avantgardistischem Anspruch digitalisiert und auf kommerziell interessanten Mainstream vollständig verzichtet: All diese komplizierten Filme, Audiodateien und Texte würde auf dem freien Markt kaum jemand umsonst nehmen, geschweige denn kaufen.

Deshalb verliert niemand Geld, obwohl UbuWeb vor kunstgeschichtlich wertvollen Arbeiten nur so strotzt. Ihr formaler Ernst macht sie für den Markt ziemlich uninteressant. Weil die Seite außerdem kostenlos nutzbar ist, nichts verkauft und keine Werbung schaltet, macht sie, anders als die gemeinen Tauschbörsen, die mit Anzeigen Geld verdienen, keinen Profit. Kostet aber auch nichts: »Wir bezahlen nur für die Domain und den Speicherplatz. Das sind vielleicht 50 Dollar im Jahr«, so Goldsmith. Gleichzeitig gibt sich das Projekt keinen politischen Anstrich oder behauptet, etwa gegen den Kapitalismus zu kämpfen. Wer Rechte an einer Arbeit hat, die bei UbuWeb hochgeladen wurde, schreibt einfach eine Mail, und das Material wird entfernt. »Auf keinen Fall möchten wir Geld von Künstlern oder Herausgebern der Avantgarde stehlen, die noch Sachen herausbringen, die normalerweise wenig gekauft würden«, ist in der Charta von UbuWeb zu lesen. Und weiter: »UbuWeb fungiert sozusagen als Verteilungszentrum von schwer auffindbaren, oft vergriffenen und unbekannten Sachen, die digital ins Web gestellt werden. Wenn wir zum Beispiel ein konkretes historisches Gedicht einscannen, vermindert das den Wert der dinghaften Form des Gedichts nicht.« Trotzdem ist man vorsichtig: UbuWeb fordert seine Nutzer auf, so viel Material wie möglich von der Seite herunterzuladen und auf der eigenen Festplatte zu hinterlegen. UbuWeb speichert vieles, das Fans extra für die Seite von VHS-Kassetten oder Schellack-Platten digitalisieren. Sollte die Seite doch einmal geschlossen und sollten die Server beschlagnahmt werden, wäre diese Arbeit möglicherweise für immer verloren.

Vielleicht wird UbuWeb auch deshalb in Ruhe gelassen: Kenneth Goldsmith und seine Mitstreiter archivieren dort das kulturelle Erbe des industriellen Zeitalters und leisten damit eine Arbeit, für die im Zweifelsfall der Staat verantwortlich wäre. Und für die er viel Geld aufbringen müsste.

Quelle: Felix Stephan: König Unbezahlbar. In: Die Welt kompakt, 10.01.2013

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An eye-catcher for my 3rd bunch of new public lossless music blogs

What an eye-catcher for my 3rd bunch of new entries in my list of "public lossless classical music blogs" (there are 85 blogs currently listed). And my next post (on Monday, 3rd of September) to the Kammermusikkammer concerns to Max Reger and Frantisek Kupka - the painter of this "Path of Silence" (1903).

As I already mentioned with my former posts: It’s for your convenience only. All figures and ciphers are very about. No harms intended.










wide range; tasty appearance

Medieval y Renacentista




The new version of an old well-established blog (which has been canceled without notice by Blogger)

Only Classical

Calvin (lupagazi2010)



Also a re-incarnation (formerly known as

El Rincón Melómano

Carlos Burga

posts for more then 6 years


"Un espacio para compartir mis modestos conocimientos musicales y mi pequeña discoteca, pero con el mayor gusto y entusiasmo por nuestra pasión: la música de los grandes."

The Shellackophile




"Recordings of classical music from the 78-rpm era"

Classical ?? Classique ?? Klassik



temporarly unaccessible

The busiest-beaver in 2012 (all posts date from this year)

solo beethoven




All about Ludwig van

Music with Piano


about 120


From Portugal, posts on black, since May 2012




temporarly unaccessible

Only opera. A german blog (however economical of words)





"donde vive la música"

Música Clásica en Imágenes




videos of classical music

Fluff on the Needle




vinyl ripps

Sonidos del laúd




mastrandos other blog

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Storm! (2nd bunch of new blogs)

“The storm is here, many vessels are gone, cowardly rats deserting the ships, each wave is bigger than previous …” and this is the best moment to spread optimism, i.e. to publish the second bunch of new entries in my lossless classical music blog list.

As I already mentioned with the first bunch: It’s for your convenience only. All figures and ciphers are very about. No harms intended.






Classical Music




cool look (black and light green)

Blog Musik Klasik




From Indonesia, with love

piano classico




From Brazil, at blogger since January 2009

The Slow Closing System




small but fine collection

Pristine Classics

Tin Ear



vinyl rips ("the greatest recordings, the finest sound")

Modern Academics




"I like 1750 Bach and before, and Debussy after, and in the middle, l don't listen."

Monography's Classics




Only Herbert von Karajan

Lohengrin's Classical Music




From Seoul, Republic Korea

Wolf Fifth

Wolf Fifth



"Rare vinyl records from the golden era of avantgarde and experimental music"

Carlos Kleiber Mania




with manic focus on Carlos Kleiber





"A kind of theater in ancient Greece in which poets and musicians submitted their works to the approval of the public."

The Music For Piano




big pictures on black, sources in Flac and mp3

Enter the Mirror




From China

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A bunch of new blogs (part one)

Discobole, owner of Paroles gelées

Many new lossless classical music blogs occurred since my last notification in September 2010. Finally I found time to tabulate the first bunch (of two) for your convenience.

All figures and ciphers are very about. No harms indended!






Café Chopin


50 ??


older blog, has been refreshed

ahhfwww Classical




blog labels refer to cd labels





last post April 2011





Does not agree with Avaxhome





With A Little Help From My Friends... And Torrents

tempesta musicale




From Riga, Lettland

The World of Classical


some 100s


Liszt complete piano music

Only Classical




Posts Beethoven: 171, Mozart: 123, Chopin: 88, ...

bayreuth's classical music resources




joined Blogger in November 2010

MetroGnome Music

Progress Hornsby



Cites Longfellow: "And the night shall be filled with music..."

Clásicos en vinilo

Yayo Salva



Posts since 2007

Paroles gelées




big pictures, extensive text (in french)

sHared iTunes

sHared iTunes



Click to "Date" or "Label" to get surprised





live records from concert hall or radio

Laureate Conductor(s)




rare, unpublished & out of print material, focused on the great(EST) conductors of the past





extensive collection of historic 78s & LPs

Great Pianists




Out of print and non-commercial piano recordings


Julio Salvador Belda Vaguer



"dedicado a la Música, a las emociones que va despertando, a compartirlas y a sentir conjuntamente su belleza"

Classical music and Discography




thousand posts in a single year (!)

Musica Clasica en DVD


200 ??


Only DVDs

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Blogroll of lossless classical music blogs is still most comprehensive

Recently, my dear colleague Otto started his Opera House. Like his two others blogs, the purpose „is two-fold… to give back to the community who has helped me so much over the years and provide info to my radio listeners. Thank you both and thank you 1.FM for your continued support. All of the cd's you find here are the latest additions to the web radio and are broadcast or will be in the near future.“

Random Clasics started as mp3 blog, but switched to FLAC sometime in the past. Fred says: „I love old recordings. Turn me loose in a used record store and I'll spend hours there. Everything I upload here is from my collection and is vinyl. Working with vinyl is not a perfect science and often the results are far from pristine. Let me know if you have a request - I might have it! PLEASE let me know if there are any download issues. Thank you much for visiting my blog!“

Also musica del siglo xx occasionally turned to lossless. I mentioned the Colectivo Ruben Vizcaino Valencia already before.

Avant que j’oublie is the sequel of The High Pony Tail. Maready decided to change his blog name and address, without stating a reason.

Problembär's Pantheon is a new lossless blog with up to now only one post. Problembär promises to post more: „I'll be updating this site about once a week. I may upload some of my old stuff in lossless in the future. But the next few things I have ready will be new. Hope you all enjoy this new blog.“

5 against 4 („It’s the most beautiful ugly sound in the world“) features this year's London Proms , the „World’s Greatest Classical Music Festival“, with recordings, program notes and thoughtful reviews of all the premieres.

Guanacanto („Por la música, vale la pena vivir … en Guanajuato“) contains postings on Mexican Barocco music by composers I never heard before.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Expanding the list of lossless classical music blogs never ends…

The Music Parlour ~ Historical is a spin off (or a subset?) from Tin Ear’s Music Parlour. The latest posts were Sir Thomas Beecham’s Zauberflöte from 1937, Mengelberg’s Beethoven Symphonies from 1940 and Beethoven’s 5th piano concert performed in 1922. (picture aside). Stuff for the connoisseur, you see. is „a site on the history of sound recording. […] I will endeavor to put the recordings into some context, that is, why such and such a piece was recorded by such and such musicians on such and such a date, otherwise it all looks a bit arbitrary. In fact there were often very good commercial reasons for issuing particular discs and it is worth while pondering how these were received by the public.“ (

Jolyon has an excellent „My Links“ Page, with references to discographies & catalogues, free downloadable recordings, journals, and more.

Alucard from Italy runs the 18CenturyMusic Blog, „because classical music is not only Haydn and Mozart“. He posted Zelenka, Abbé Vogler, Sammartini, Myslivecek, Stamitz, etc., but nevertheless Haydn frequently occurs. I know Alucard from avaxhome under the nickname Kushami, but were not aware of his personal blog. You may also visit his YouTube channel.

Yao (Avax: qzlanyao) started his Classic Collection at August 1st, mainly Bach and the RCA Living Stereo 60 CDs Collection. I like the bright and well-arranged blog design.

Neal’s Historical Recordings moved from Google Blogger to Wordpress („for a variety of reasons“). Update your bookmarks, guys!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Supplements to my list of lossless blogs

When writing the last notification, I forget to mention Le moment musical - Classical music collection. Amedal has offered since November 2009 more than 160 posts which range from baroque to 19th century music, running some of my personnel favorites (f.e. Spohr, Ries, Raff).

El baúl del coleccionista is an „Espacio dedicado a la coleccion de grabaciones historicas“, i.e. a place for historical recordings, owned by Dumbarton Oaks. Two weeks ago the blog converted to FLAC; the older posts are still in mp3.

Also Ipromesisposi is an older blog I managed to ignore, alas!

en folía - "Un lugar para la música", active since November 2008, discovered by me as recently as two weeks ago, is a discreet blog on black background (such backgrounds are unusual at the moment). The music selection is excellent.

I put geometria innamorata to the lossless list because of some posts of Wagner, Pasquini, Bernard Parmegiani. Maybe the blog is too weird and does not fit in my list. What do you think?

Last, but not least: A blog, which is no blog, because of missing RSS feeds (yes!) : Rare Classical Vinyl is a repository of the Mercury Living Presence recordings:

"Mercury built a devoted following among classical music listeners in the 1950's and 60's. In 1951, when the company was a Chicago-based independent, it launched its ''Olympian Series'' with the now classic monophonic LP of the Mussorgsky-Ravel ''Pictures at an Exhibition'' played by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra under Rafael Kubelik. In reviewing that disk in The New York Times, Howard Taubman wrote that the effect was ''like being in the living presence of the orchestra''; Mercury took his phrase ''Living Presence'' as the rubric for its subsequent releases, and carried it well into the stereophonic era."

Monday, June 28, 2010

Notification about new lossless blogs

Well, I made my last notification about new lossless blogs on February 6th, a rather long time ago. Let me report now, what I found in Blogosphere during the last 5 months (without special order):

Maready stated in his blog High Pony Tail: „Most selections are taken from vinyl recordings. Sometimes I use the available technology to 'remove' pops and clicks. Often, particularly in cases where the recording has been made available on CD at some point, I simply record the record to my beloved Sony CD-R recorder and post the results without further intervention.“

The Vinyl Fatigue „gives digital new life to forgotten LPs“, as Lawrence Austin, the owner, declares: „I grew up listening to records -- shellac and vinyl -- and the sound of a needle tracking the grooves of an old LP is still deeply comforting to me -- a sound from childhood, like the fan of the hot air furnace coming on. However turntables are now relatively scare, and we are becoming less tolerant of noise from the medium the music is stored on, so putting up renovated files of what I consider choice, but neglected performances, seemed a good way to spend some time. There are several thousand LPs in the house, a lot of them not re-issued on CD, some of them performances of real importance. If you like something, post a comment. I'd love to hear from you.“

Squirrel is a musician/teacher/writer in New York City: „These LP transfers generally represent noteworthy or neglected recordings from the Great Century which have fallen out of print, out of favor, or out of reach. The focus is primarily on chamber music, violinists, violists, and cellists of distinction, and orchestral music. I strive to balance standard repertoire by interesting and lesser known artists with unusual and lesser-heard works. These are made available here not to circumvent the marketplace, but to fill in the cultural/historical gaps in our collective understanding of recorded posterity for those who wish to listen. They are to be enjoyed, shared, and learned from.“

運銘 (Yun-ming) has contributed to the collaborative blog Meeting in Music in the past, and last May she started her own „Ah Meng’s Blog“, which gained up to now more than 30 followers.

„A 20th Century Opera Collection“ started in April, run by RVV („Un grupo para difundir los libros de la ciencia politica“).

3 days ago, André Rendeiro stated: „I'm starting this blog with the intent to share some of the music I own as a retribution to some of you who have given so much to me by doing the same. Although I don't possess a lot of music on original CD's (and those are the ones I intend to share), the music I have is of extreme rarity in the blogosphere, mostly premiere recordings of music by portuguese composers. I might acquire some more, and I'll certainly share it with you. The name of the blog "Feldeinsamkeit" isn't properly the better name for a blog which offers portuguese classical music, but my musical roots are deeply in the heart of German music, specially in Beethoven, Schumann, Brahms, Mahler and R. Strauss, so I chose the name of a lied by Brahms on Allmers' poem, which I love.“

Last but not least there are two relaunches/resumes to report: Hot Skin is the former „La Peau Douce“; and is moving to

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reducing my backlog of notifications about new lossless blogs

I really have an enormous backlog of notifications about new lossless blogs, and I want to make things a little better with these short resumes:

"Links. Musik Kino Philosophie" is the name of an extraordinary discovery. The owner, Schahed, posted 129 articles since December, with tags like Alexander Kluge, Bruno Maderna, Edgar Reitz, Karl Marx, Modern Music, Opera, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Richard Wagner, Slavoj Zizek, and more. Maybe you can get an idea what all he is interesting in. He offers audios, videos and audiobooks.

"John Bull's 'Circle of Sound'" started on January 23th and contains LP transfers, "many long out of print." The blog's subtitle is "classics for the connoisseur - curious from the world of recorded sound", which makes me curious about his (I imagine him to be a british) future steps.

"Grumpy's Classics Cave" are "ramplings and rumblings from a collector of recorded classical music". The rumbler, his name is CharmNick, is owner of a photocard of London Transport, and also interested in old LPs. I could not resist to republish his portrait here.

Another collector of LPs, much longer active in blogosphere, is Benoit from the "Quartier des Archives". He posts in flac and mp3, tracklists and comments are in French. Most of the posts are pictured with the scanned LP, not the cover. Maybe he lost the covers over the years; the LPs look really old. The blog is a quarry for the audiophile.

موسيقى -كلاسيك
( was active only in November and December 2007, but the (mostly classical) music is well selected (from Ockeghem and Monteverdi to Saint-Saens and Friedrich Nietzsche), and the links are still active. I discovered the blog last month. The owner signed with Yakoff.

Right now, where I am writing these lines, I stumpled about "The Music Parlour", with music from LPs from the fifties (exactly: 1949 to 1964). As I am reading in some comments, is the owner's name Tin Ear, and he is a close friend of CharmNick (mentioned above)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Scoredaddy's goodbye and farewell

Scoredaddy announced the official demise of his blog:

SCOREDADDY'S was my labor of love for more than two years, offering the opportunity to sample obscure and often-impossible to find music: music that is ignored and buried by recording companies, and otherwise unavailable to people in most parts of the world. It was a place of discovery, both for its visitors and for me, as I delighted in learning more about the music I love and share.

In choosing material to feature (almost on a daily basis), I always sought to make SCOREDADDY'S a place that I, myself, would enjoy spending some time at. In accordance with my own musical tastes, I strove to include diverse genres, hence SCOREDADDY'S familiar slogan "superb music of all kinds".

I guess I was doing something right as SCOREDADDY'S attracted a considerable following and I received e-mails and friendly comments on a daily basis. In addition to the stimulating interaction generated by SCOREDADDY'S readers, a group of friendly collectors generously contributed their own shares of hard to find, out-of-print discs and rare LP's. It all seemed like a win-win proposition for all involved, especially since the vast majority of the items on offer were not commercially available in 95% of the world. However, some blog-troll out there in cyber(looney)space was not pleased.

Read the full doleful story...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Appearance in pairs

As a rule of thumb, lossless blogs seem to appear as pairs. The latest newcomers are not really twins (like the recent both ottos), but only casual incidents:

Pepe's Blog (picture on left) is an archive of CDs and DVDs and TV-rips concerning operas, the first and only lossless opera blog I ever heard from. Pepe started on the 8th of November, and has reached up to now 173 posts.

Classical Archives (picture on right) covers the mainstream (instrumental) genres of classical music; artists range from Monteverdi to Penderecki. Since September he posted 29 articles; some of them contain multiple CDs.

The best of luck, dear newcomers!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Brandon's Classics - Música Libre

Recently I discovered two new lossless blogs:

Brandon's Classics, maintained by Brandon, starts on September, 23th.

Música Libre, maintained by expanium, starts on November, 5th.

Welcome newcomers, to the lossless classical community!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Leverkühn closed his corner and two Ottonian twins appear

The well-established blog is dead and gone. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. His owner, Leverkühn, was the inventor of "black links hidden before a black background".

As some kind of compensation, "Otto" appears, with blog twins:
Otto's Classical Musick
Otto's Baroque Musick

Otto says: "A warm welcome to all fellow classical music enthusiasts.The purpose of my blogs is give back to the community who has helped me so much over the years and provide info to my radio listeners. Thank you both and thank you 1.FM for your continued support. All of the cd's you find here are the latest additions to the web radio and are broadcast or will be in the near future. I want to encourage every visitor to buy the cd's and support the artists. Thank you for visiting my blog and please listen to my radio whilst browsing. Contributions and suggestions/opinions are most welcome.

Happy listening!

Good luck!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Soap and Plum Preserves

Mail from P.A.S. to me, from Jul 26:

Hello, WMS Nemo,

Rho, from the State of Wonder blog recommended that I let you know of my new project:

I will try to complement posts from bloggers like Ice at Classicallibrary, Rho at State of Wonder, Edmond at Fauteuil d'Oreille and a few others.

I would be honoured if you could spread the word, I hope you will not be disappointed.

Thanks in advance,

Warsaw, Poland

Sandflyer states in his profile:

I try to aim for performances of works off the beaten path, generally unavailable on CD or performances by noteworthy artists.
Sometimes, both requirements are met... If the same live performance becomes available on CD, I will remove my broadcast recording, directing the listener to an appropriate link...
I make all the recordings myself.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Rho's State of Wonder & Alio Modo

I proudly present links to two new blogs in my "Lossless Music Blogs" column:

Rho started A State of Wonder, a blog "mostly about the music of J.S.Bach, in particular his keyboard music, and especially the Well-Tempered Clavier, but, then again, not exclusively about either. Basically, it will grow as it needs. I hope you enjoy some of the music posted here."

The other blog is Alio Modo, run by an anonym "Librarian" / "admin", who demonstrates a distinctive taste, both avantgarde (Antheil, Adams, Xenakis) and old style (Pergolesi, Vivaldi).

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, dear Closet!

"A Closet of Curiosities", the excellent avantgarde music blog, run by grey calx, celebrates its 3rd anniversary.

Grey Calx:

"I believe that three years is a milestone in the blogosphere especially of this type of blog. A Closet of Curiosities has come far from an obscure blog with just a few visitors to a semi-obscure blog with more traffic.

Finally, I would like to thank my visitors for stopping by and checking out the stuff I post. I hope that so far I have accomplished what I set out to do which is for this blog to be an educational resource for electronic, avant-garde, ethnic, environmental/nature, improv and ambient music and sounds as well as the quirky novelty recordings and whatever else I occasionally like to show off to the world."

And this is my gratulation song, prizing Greys arduous and excellent work: